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Sevastopol. Ex-Soviet naval baseEmblem of Sevastopol

The city of Sevastopol is located in the southwestern part of the Crimean Peninsula. 

The central part of the city is a picturesque intricacy of hills and gorges with well-protected harbors, favorable navigable waterways and zigzags of roads.

Sevastopol has almost subtropical climate. Its magnificent blue sky combined with a large number of sand and pebble beaches, warm sea and picturesque landscapes, is the most valued component of the city territory.

The monument to the sunken ships. SevastopolThe historical background of Sevastopol is extremely interesting. Founded on the territory of ancient Khersonesus, where in 988 the Kievan prince Vladimir was converted to Christianity. Sevastopol stands out as the place that absorbed its Greek, Imperial Russian and Soviet cultural characteristics.

There are up to 1,800 historic memorials, among which are the world famous Greek Khersonesus, the Panorama of the Heroic Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 (the Crimean War Memorial), the Diorama (The Second World War Memorial), the Russian Navy Museum, the Cold War Museum etc.

Sevastopol. Nakhimov prospekt. Beginning of XX centuryDuring Soviet times, Sevastopol was a "closed city" -- restricted admission because that was where Soviet Black Sea fleet was based. Even the Soviets had to obtain a permission to visit here. By the Decree of the Ukrainian Government of 1995, the city was "opened" which allowed foreign tourists and ships to come into the city.
This city is extremely popular among former-Soviets as a place of great military valor and a growing tourist center. 
Some facts about the city:
- area - 1079 sq km - 397 sq mi (that of Moscow is 970 sq km -
374,4 sq mi and of New York - 790 sq km - 305 sq mi);
- city shore-line - 153 km (95 mi);
- city land boundary - 106 km(65,8 mi);
- 33 harbors have their own names: 75% belong to the Navy;
- 30 km (18,6 mi) of piers receive 1 million tons of cargo;The Monument to Admiral Nakhimov at night. Sevastopol
- city's total road length - 31 km (19,2 mi);
- population (1989 census) - 392.000;
- 26 nationalities are represented in the city (Russians - 293.000; Ukrainians - 81.000)
- military segment - 8% of the population;
- 72 schools, 6 research centers, 19 scientific and research productions, 4 universities;
- 4 theaters, 10 museums, 4 stadiums, 3 yacht-clubs;
- 6 ship-building plants;
- 530.000 Russian-speaking and Western tourists annually (the number is growing every year);
- Sevastopol is a leading supplier of wines in the Ukraine;
- Underground Sevastopol was built in 1955-1961 and cost $333 million. The length of its works and installations if expressed in a line 3 by 3 meters would be the distance from Sevastopol to Kharkov (about 700 km - 434,7 mi).

Ex-Soviet naval base
in Crimea
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